Saturday, February 12, 2011

Final thoughts for the class

I must admit that when I started this class I was skeptical about the blog part of the homework.  This may have been a leading cause as to why I got so far behind with it. 

I have used this part of the class for a great benefit.  I didn't know much about blogs.  I had the basics, but didn't see much personal gain from using them.  I still don't know about posting my own.  I probably won't keep doing it.  It is an interesting thing though.  I can imagine it is similar to feelings one has in radio broadcasting.  I am talking/typing with the assumption that someone is reading but really not any proof.  There are comments and other forms of feedback, but at the time of typing you never really know. 

This class did get me though to start using blogs as a great source of information.  I use Google Reader to follow a handful of blogs on issues that are important to me.  I can log in to one place and see the information easily and access as much or as little as I want.  It has topics that are part of my professional life, my personal hobbies and interests, and my church life all placed together.  I have this class to thank for getting me to this point. 

I wish all of you the very best in the rest of the classes you are taking.  Perhaps we will run into one another again.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, I didn't think that the blog as part of the class would help me very much either, but it is just one more thing that I would not have done without this class having an influence on me. I am glad I did it.
