Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 4 - Chapter 4

The text in Chapter 4 talked about Artificial Intelligence.  I did learn in this class that although what I imagined as artificial intelligence was accurate, there is a lot more to it than I ever though of.

The act of a computer system actually learning is an interesting concept.  Computer systems are becoming more and more powerful so the speed at which they are able to recognize patterns allows them to "learn" at an unbelievable rate. 

Although I think we are still in the infancy of AI, it is amazing how some of the more basic aspects of it are being utilized today.   Whether it is handwriting or speech recognition or something else, people are using AI everyday even if they don't recognize it.

I do think we are a long way from the world being taken over by robots as some of the AI fiction stories would lead us to believe, but our use and maybe even dependence on AI will continue to grow.

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