Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 8 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 had a lot of interesting information in it.  Business continuity planning, enterprise infrastructure, and metrics cover a lot of ground.  Metrics are one of the more important things that jumped out at me.  I believe in the value of numbers and measuring our level of success.  W. Edwards Deming (from Sioux City, IA) was a pioneer in the arena of efficiency in manufacturing.  He admitted that some of the most valuable information you need is often unknown.  With advanced computer systems though I believe that the unknown information can be limited and when still not possible to grasp can be estimated very accurately.  There are a great deal of tools out there to help us see where our business is and where it can grow.

I was also intrigued in this chapter by its brief discussion of cloud computing.  My organization has began to use many thin-client computers that rely on our servers for applications and storage.  I can see through using these the future of cloud computing outside of our little organization.  Pay-for-use systems and no more purchasing full, expensive licenses for software that is rarely used.  Everyone having the amount of storage that they need, not limited by the size of their own hard-drive, and its available from wherever they are.  Could computing to me is hitting on the real essence of effectiveness versus efficiency.  Not just doing things right, but doing the right things. 

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